GE IS220PPDAH1B | Power Distribution Feedback | I/O Module.The IS220PPDAH1B board is a Power Distribution System Feedback model produced by General Electric for the Mark VIe System. This model is used for conditioning board feedback signals and can also provide Ethernet interfaces to the attached controllers. Feedback for this pack is arranged to be plug and play which will use the electronic IDs it is plugged into to determine the power for the attached power distribution models. Information from the power distribution models will proceed to be used to occupy the IONet output to provide correct feedback from the conjoining. Power Distribution System Feedback Model IS220PPDAH1B is part of the Mark VIe Series produced by General Electric. This is one of the main components of the PDM. The IS220PPDAH1B I/O pack will always mount to one of the following boards; JPDM, JPDC, or JPDS.